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Sweet Champagne

Sweet Champagne brands are sweeter than brut and have a dosage of 12 grams or more per liter. The sweetness levels are:

• Extra Sec (Extra Dry) has some detectable sweetness/sugar with 12 to 17 grams per liter.
• Sec (Dry) has noticeable sweetness/sugar with 17 to 32 grams per liter.
• Demi-sec (Medium Dry) is moderately sweet with a dosage of 32 to 50 grams per liter. Demi-sec is the most popular of the sweet Champagnes.
• Doux (Sweet) is very sweet (naturally soft in the mouth) with greater than 50 grams per liter. This style is rarely produced anymore.


na$50-$74sec17.5white blendTaittingerTaittinger Nocturne
na$75-$99sec17.5rose'TaittingerTaittinger Nocturne Rose'


na$50-$74demi sec35white blendTaittingerTaittinger Demi-Sec
na$50-$74demi-sec40white blendBillecart-SalmonBillecart-Salmon Demi-Sec
na$50-$74demi-sec40white blendLaurent-PerrierLaurent-Perrier Harmony Demi-Sec
na$35-$49demi-sec45white blendMoet & ChandonMoet Nectar Imperial
na$50-$74demi-sec45white blendMoet & ChandonMoet Ice Imperial Rose'
na$50-$74demi sec45white blendVeuve ClicquotVeuve Clicquot Demi-sec
na$50-$74demi-sec38rose'Moet & ChandonMoet Ice Imperial Rose'
na$50-$74demi-sec45rose'Moet & ChandonMoet Nectar Imperial Rose'


na$50-$74doux60white blendVeuve ClicquotVeuve Clicquot Rich
na$50-$74doux60rose'Veuve ClicquotVeuve Clicquot Rich Rose'

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